Pdf screen reader for mac
Pdf screen reader for mac

To enter alt text in Office 2007, right click an image and select Size and Positioning. Within the Format Picture dialog, select Layout and Properties, then select Alt Text.

pdf screen reader for mac

In most versions of Word, you can enter alternate text by right clicking an image and selecting Format Picture. Just click on the arrow adjacent to the desired list button and select “Define New Bullet/Number Format” for a different design if you do not like the built-in options.

pdf screen reader for mac

Both numbered and bulleted lists are customizable. Without using these, a list is not really a list to those using an outside program to read the document. Use the built-in options like bullets or numbers, available under the Paragraph in the Home tab of the Ribbon in Office versions 2010 and higher. After a heading has been selected, you are able to edit the font, size and other attributes if you do not like the built-in look. Making text larger and bold does not make it a heading. Use the built-in Heading styles like “Heading 1″ and “Heading 2″, available under Styles in the Home tab of the Ribbon in Office versions 2010 and higher.

  • Use a minimum of 12 size font in Word, 18 on PowerPoint to assist those with low vision.
  • When enlarged, these tags can make it difficult to tell what’s part of the letter versus a decorative tag. Times New Roman) since serif fonts have what are called ‘tags’ on the letters. Calibri, Arial) are more accessible than serif fonts (e.g.


  • (optional) Exported to PDF while preserving accessibility.
  • Defined Table Headers and simplified Tables as much as possible.
  • Added built-in Headings to document and did not skip numbers (e.g.
  • And here is an example of a screen reader going through an inaccessible PDF.

    pdf screen reader for mac

    To see why creating accessible documents is important, check out this 3 minute video of a screen reader going through accessible and inaccessible Word Documents. A checklist is provided, with detailed instructions for each step outlined below. It is recommended that documents are started in Microsoft Word and then appropriately exported into PDF. When creating content, there are a few basic steps that should be followed in order to assure your content is accessible. Creating Accessible Documents – Word and PDFs

    Pdf screen reader for mac